Array methods continuation....

Array methods continuation....

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at() method

  • at() method is also another way to access elements. If there is no element at the particular index it returns undefined. And also in the arrays if we want to access last element we can simply write at(-1).


image.png image.png Concat() method

  • Concat() method is one of the instance methods which helps in joining two or more arrays. It does not modify the existing array but returns a new array with concatenated elements.

image.png copyWithin() method

  • copyWithin() method copies array elements to another position in an array, overwriting existing values. The copyWithin() method does not add items to the array.




entries() method

  • The entries() method returns an Array Iterator object with Key value pairs. It does not change the original array.


every() method

  • The every() method executes a function for each every element. Every method returns true if all the elements are true it returns false if one element in the array is false. Every method does not execute the function for empty elements.

fill() method

  • The fill method fills specified elements in an array with a value. Fill() method overwrites the original array. image.png pop() method
  • pop method removes the last element of an array. It changes the original array and returns the element when popped. image.png push() method
  • push method adds the element to the end of an array. It returns new length. image.png